There are so many ways that you can use your gifts to serve the body of Christ and the entire community at Hope. Here are some contact names that will help to connect you to the areas you feel called to serve.
- Worship (usher, greeter, coffee host, liturgist, comm
union, etc. )
Steve Winters
- Music – (traditional service) Choir director, Matt Zwyer
- Music – (contemporary service)
- The Hope Chest volunteer (retail help, sort/price incoming clothes)
Karen Lance
- Wednesday community lunch (cook, set-up and serve)
- Children or Youth ministry (Sunday school, Wednesday night teacher, VBS, confirmation mentor, etc.)
- Adult ministry (Group facilitator, serving through mission, finding out what your gifts are, serving the sick or shut-ins, etc.)
Steve Winters
- Committee/ministry team volunteer (Finance, Trustees, Discipleship, Missions, Children and Youth, Congregational care, Child Care Center, etc.)
Warren Clifton